Saturday, January 30, 2010

Holla Back Young'n

Well, I'm blogging a lot lately.
For me, that's a direct correlation to a training volume spike, and a social life dip.
Blogging helps my head.

I try not to talk about my training as much as possible, because of the responses I get("you're crazy", "but why", etc.) me crazy, but I'm afraid of jinxing it all.
I don't want to get injured.
Now, I can understand why Eileen Steil goes to multiple pools to do her people don't know what she's doing. She's right, it's just easier to not have to explain it.

I've started to become a superdork of the sport. I'm digesting all the greats blogs and analyzing and visualizing and really starting to go inside of myself. Every tough point in training gets easier when I ask myself how it's gonna be in Mexico.
Is it too early to be going into this mode?
If I was trying to win a single Ironman in October, maybe...But some of the best Ultra triathletes in the world do numerous Double and Triple Iron competitions before doing the Deca in november. I'll copy the europeans, who dominate the sport.

The harsh reality is that there's no room for error right now.
8 months is all I have, really, to build my endurance.
I'm gonna blink, and it's going to be June. Another blink, and it's October, when training hard ceases.

I do need to work on a creating a couple of training camps of 4-5 days away from everyone and everything within the next couple months for the big builds.
I have some ideas; I just need to work on scheduling the time off.

My brain continues to try and wrap itself around a 700+ mile race.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to justify a 700+ mile race in the same way I can now shake off a 50 mile run..... the human body is crazy.

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