Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I had another "frustrated" spell last week.
Some people must read what i write and think i'm the ultimate brooder.

If i blog it, it doesn't show as much in the "real world". So no, I am not a brooder.

That frustration culminated in a pretty awesome night workout the other night.
I ran, on snowshoes, with a 25 pound pack, to Mars Hill from Presque Isle via the railroad bed...about a 15 mile jaunt.
The idea was to do an out and back for 30 miles, but it just wasn't happening.
The pack was too much.

It was cool while I was out there- every so often seeing the red lights of the windmills atop the mountain. They never looked closer, even as i was chewing up the miles between me and them.

It's always really creepy out there for the first hour or so....your eyes haven't adjusted...the railroad bed seems narrow, and the forest pushes ever close to you.
It's like running down a tunnel.
I ran most of the trail with my light off...and every once in a while a down tree would look like a moose or monster or person waiting to jump me.
Ran into a groomer on the snowmobile trail.
It's always weird to come into contact with humans after you've been a nocturnal animal for a few hours.

I guess my goal now is to train myself into the ground this week and next week, then chill out until the snowshoe race on 3/6 so i can go well rested. I'd like to think I could do well at the marathon...but we'll see. I've never raced long distance on snowshoes, so it will be a learning experience.

i am so ready for spring.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds an amazing experience being out there in the wilderness at night! Brings back memories of Maine to me. Your plan sounds good, keep pushing :)
