Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm writing this on my crackberry, in an effort to supress the unbelievable boredom of an exercise bike.

I'd rather bundle up and ride outside. So, why am I here? Good question. Something about doing a ride then spending just as long cleaning my bike as I did riding it....

Interesting. I find it very difficult to type and maintain an even pedal stroke.

Ok, now the real stuff:
-race is officially in november. Saaaweeet.
-this is my first week back on the bike. I was nervous about the long hiatus, but it seems snowshoe running has kept my bike anatomy surprisingly I just need to build my "ass callouses"..or is it calli? Hmm.
-one more long workout. 2 shorter intense sessions, and then its marathon time. That really crept up. I feel goooood, except for a tight lower back. A massage and some hamstring stretches should alleviate that.

Mentally, I'm looking forward to the weekend. A party is happening, and I need a night out. I've spent entirely too much time inside my own head the last week. I can tell I need social time when I finish my training for the day and I feel kind of depressed.

All part of the game.

To the Hunt.


1 comment:

  1. It seems to be calluses. However, I did find out the the plural of corn (foot version) is clavi. That's just weird.

