Monday, October 4, 2010

seriously? seriously

Well, I'm pretty much recovered from the 2x.

Let me spin you a tale of the next 3 weeks of my life:
Eat. Lift. Eat. Lift. Eat. Loooooong workout, eat.
No sleep.

It is time to drop the hammer down. Hard.

I need to gain at least 8-15 pounds, so that my body doesn't completely eat itself by day 3 of the Quintuple.
Even after the Double Iron, Troy at Northern PT couldn't believe how much smaller my legs got..just from that race.

Ha, imagine it. I have to gain weight, but at the same time complete the longest bike ride, and longest swim that I ever have done-just for training.
Add to that an enhanced metabolism from sleep deprivation, and I would say it's an uphill caloric battle.
I love a challenge.
When I do succeed, I'll be about as jacked as I have ever been at about 185 pounds.

This has been a banner year, really, despite my DNFs. I still consider it a success. In the last 12 months:
-Triple Iron (7.2 mile swim, 336 bike, 34 miles of run completed)
-50 mile Treadmill run, overnight
-Winter Death Race...lived through the night and called it quits
-35 mile run at Mcnaughton Ultras
-50 Mile overnight run at Aroostook Relay For Life
-55 mile run at Green Mountain Relay
-24 Hours of Great Glen mountain Bike Ride
-Double Iron finish (4.8 mile swim, 2224 bike, 52.4 mile run)
-More long bike rides (100+ miles) than I can shake a stick at
That's well over 1 ultra event a month.
I'm ready to cap it now with my biggest finish ever.

Donations beginning to come in. You all have no idea how much this means to me.
It motivates me to train longer, and keeps me going when I am tired from sleep deprivation and don't want to go anymore.

41 days. I'm so ready to go to Mexico and hurt.


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