Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Exploits and My Heroes

There are certain advantages to being an ultra-distance athlete.
You can do random physical challenges on any given day...it's how you keep things fun and interesting. At such low intensity, you've got to find ways to break up the monotony.

I got on the elliptical yesterday morning, planning on an easy day of training.
I felt a little sore from the 5k I did a couple of days prior, but otherwise fine structurally.

So I trained. By the day's end, I had done 26.3 miles on the elliptical and a 1000 yard swim.
I guess technically, that means I did an Ultramarathon yesterday. On a whim.

Exploits like this are the reason I created this blog. I have all of these crazy things I want to accomplish this year. The best ones, I think, won't even be the ones I plan, but the ones I think up while eating breakfast on a random day off.

My heroes don't toss a ball, hit a ball, or run exceptionally fast. They don't tackle or get arrested at the club. On any given day, they can run a marathon, or hop on their bike and be 5 states away within a day.
This is what I aspire to do.

I guess I've come to this interesting point in my life where I still want to make a living as an athlete, but I have to go big in order to do it.
If I can ever make a meager living as an athlete, I'm going to have to work hard and do publicity stunts...following the Dean Karnazes template.

What I like about Ultra distance sports is that it's not about talent.
It's about grinding; working hard and tirelessly.
Put the volume in.
Make it hurt, and keep it together mentally.

Maybe it'll come someday...that SuperSponsor, but that won't come until results start rolling in...and I'm really still too young to be good at Ultra distance sports.

So I will continue to do it because I love it, and hopefully things will work the way I want them to.


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