Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I feel like crap.

I just came off two days "off" from work, but somehow I do not feel refreshed.
From previous experience, I know that this is the beginning stage of burnout.

The training, the dog, the work, the's all adding up, and I can really notice it.

I wish I could remember who said it, but, this is a quote I love:
"There is no such thing as burnout, just loss of appetite."

If there is a plus side to this, I still want to train. If it was physical burnout, I wouldn't be interested in training. I feel like I want to take a week off by myself, spend it in a cabin in the woods, and just train for hours a day.

I had all I could do to get out of bed today. I think I need to boost my diet with a little more iron and fresh fruits.

Achieving balance is one of the hardest things for any athlete to do, and I'm no different.
I'm trying to curb my training to my life, even if really, I don't want to. A lot of people struggle with the discipline of getting out to train...I'm struggling with the discipline of enjoying other aspects of life that don't involve training. Is it considered a sickness when the rest of life seems so mundane? I guess this is the first time I've actually admitted it, which I guess is the first step, right?

I don't know.
I have to go to work- I just needed a minute.


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