I haven't updated in a long time.
Holy moly.
I'm so far ahead of last year at this time that it's unreal.
I feel good. I'm fitter than ever. Now I just have to be smart....and now that I have more time on my hands(now I'm part time at work), I can BE smarter. Little things like injury prevention and weights are the things I just never had time for when I was working all the time.
It materialized like this:
Mark and I were working together. Both full time.
Store has slow months from now until November.
I have a mental breakdown, and realize: oh my word, I'm making the same mistakes as I did last year prior to the Triple.
Working too much. Not training enough. Not taking care of myself.
I propose that I take a small pay cut and work 25-30 hrs per week TOPS.
A HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
While I may have had some creeping doubts before about Mexico, those are long gone. I don't think anyone wants it as bad as I want it, and I mean that.
I wake up and think 5x.
I daydream about it all day.
I do every workout imagining I'm in the middle of the race.
I'm GLAD for those DNFs.
They've made me so hungry.
Shit, I'm starving...and in a few months, I'm gonna eat like a king.
Kale! You're inspirational, keep up the good work.