Thursday, May 20, 2010

jinx, you owe me a coke

Guess it's time for an update.

It's interesting, learning the little things about one's self, psyche, and physical being, on this crazy journey of ultra triathlon training.

At first, I thought it would be really awesome to have my own website that made me look like "the man". I figured it would be awesome if it helped attract sponsors. If everyone knew what I was up to, they could track my know...keep me accountable and motivated, right?

Interestingly, wrong.
Expect some major changes to Why?

A couple of things, right off the bat. One, I cringe whenever I read my site. It talks me up, and frankly, I hate it. There's something within this sport that humbles you so much. You feel like really, it's not a big deal, even though the norms say otherwise.
Two, telling people what I'm going to do makes me feel like I have to stick to a schedule, which takes the adventure and spontaneity out of the training.

One of the great things about this sport is the ability to, on any given weekend, jump into a random century ride, do a marathon as an easy workout, or look at a map, point at a lake, and say,"I'm gonna swim that tomorrow".

That is why I love it so much. Adventure. Scenery. People that are so hospitable, awesome, and upbeat, that it would blow your mind.

Sometimes, I wish I could just give people the feeling I feel while training and racing. They'd be hooked.
Perhaps they might then understand why I've made so many life sacrifices to chase the feeling and these dreams.

Americans, as a whole, are getting dull and lethargic. In this subdued, mundane world of technology, safety regulations, insurance, seatbelts, helmets, lawsuits, and politically correctness, people need something that makes them feel alive.

Find it, make it your passion, and put the glimmer back in your eyes.

Enough just sitting there, thinking about it.
Go after it.


1 comment:

  1. You don't need a website that would make you look like "the man." You need a website that would should who you really are. A website is a great representation of you. It is a good way for other people to know you better. And you're right about passion. If you love something, then go for it and make the best of it.

    Lawrence Spring
