Thursday, March 11, 2010


I dunno.

I'm dealing with some tendonitis. My head hasn't been in the best of places lately.
Turns out I do have it in my blood to be a complete jerk to people, after all.

Just restrict my ability to train, and the asshole-ometer cranks up.
Sorry, friends. There's more to life than training, it just took me a day to realize it and get over myself.

I'm thinking of starting a new blog in addition to this one. Up until this "injury", which is actually just inflammation, the increased training time had been taking me down some different roads and memory lanes.

I'm always so busy looking forward, that I never really look back on some of the things of the past. There's some tragedy to that, as I feel like I'm forgetting about more things every day...maybe more even than the average person.

It feels like, for 27, I've lived a ton of lives and had some really crazy things happen...maybe it'll make a good story someday.

So, in regards to starting a new blog, I think maybe I'll spare you the same training-based blogs every time and spice it up with some experiences that have led me to this point.

This blog will be called Fuel.
They are the stories that made me who I am- the events that shaped me as a person. The stories will be raw and real, and will not be in chronological order...just written as they come to me.

Fuel. Coming very soon.


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