I'm still waiting on the word from Jorge down in Mexico as to whether there will be a Deca next year.
My 2012 race plans kind of hinge on that. He says it's very difficult to talk to the government about using the Parques Des Heroes, and the wheels turn slow.
I'm kind of caught in this mind-bending scenario where I want everything.
It was easy when the only thing I wanted in life was to race.
Now that I am living civilized and paying rent, all I want to do is STOP paying rent and start owning something... Racing stays at the forefront of my brain at all times, like a money-sucking leech.
The very real idea that I am going to have to do one or the other bugs the living piss out of me, and only adds to my manic training-working-no sleeping life.
Never can I dismiss my most expensive addiction. Is this sport a detriment to me? I think of the thousands of dollars of my own money that I've put into it over the last decade, and that's a down-payment on a house.
And then I think about the night I rode from Presque Isle to Bangor on a full moon, fully able to see Mt. Katahdin from route 2 in the shadows at 2 am.
Or the all night 50 mile run at the Relay for Life, when the miles came effortlessly.
Or the time Andy talked me into the winter version of the Death Race, and I chopped wood for 8 hours, then proceeded to carry it up a mountain in the snow....without snowshoes.
Or the blurriness of racing for 5 days straight, and how after crossing the finish line, everything in your life is so much clearer...even with a sleep-deprived mind.
Experiences like these cannot be photographed. They aren't tangible. My friends are all married with kids and dogs and houses and snowmobiles. I traded all of that for hardening experiences. I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. Who is to say?
All I know is that everyday I wake up and I'm surprised to find that during the night, a gigantic pansy has taken over my body like cancer.
So everyday, I put on my shoes and administer chemo.
Time for my daily treatment.
Quintuple Iron Finish
Quintuple Iron Race Report
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