I only need one sentence for an introduction into the recap of the adventure that was this year:
2010 was a direct result of the fire in my blood created by my DNF at the Lake Anna Triple Iron.
The older I get, the more I realize how true the old saying "everything happens for a reason" is. I used to hate that saying, but that DNF was the best thing to happen to me.
I spent only a couple weeks with my tail between my legs after the Virginia 3x.
After I was healed, I went right to work at Northern PT.
Troy put together a collection of exercises that would prevent the injury from happening again.
Mortland and I kicked off the New Year with an Overnight Treadmill 50 Mile Run in mid-january. It was mind-numbing. I said I would never do it again, but I cannot guarantee that anymore. It was a good mental toughness exercise.
A couple of months later in March, I agreed to do a winter Death Race. I made it through the first night in some tough cold, lugging logs up a mountain with no snowshoes among other things, and after realizing that it wasn't actually a run, but a task-oriented race, I dropped. I simply wasn't prepared for that type of race.
Funny, I told the TV cameras I wouldn't do it again, but that was technically a DNF...and that makes me want to go back.
In May, I attempted a 100 mile run at the same venue in Vermont, and experienced one of the strangest weather events of my entire life. The race started in the morning, in cold and pouring rain. As the day went on, the course turned into shin-deep mud all the way around. For some reason, I had no energy, and dropped around 35 miles in, opting to drink beer with Sperv and Anneliese. We sat on top of the mountain, helping other racers. The afternoon saw thunderstorms, then freezing temperatures, then hail, and snow with driving winds.
Only a couple weeks later, as part of the Northern PT team, I used the Aroostook Relay For Life as a training event...running 50 miles through the night on a quarter mile track. This was one of my favorite events, because I got to blend my favorite activity with my favorite people. To run all night, with some company with friends here and there throughout the night, was just awesome.
10 days later, I attempted to run a 200 mile relay solo. All of the previous racing turned out to be too much, and I only made it 55 miles before having some pretty big IT band problems, dropping. Nevertheless had a super weekend with Nicole and my mom, bar hopping in Killington.
By this time, I had transitioned to living in a tent, because I knew money would be tight for my races later in the year.
I spent the summer living everywhere.
Anywhere I felt like staying. I also became very close with people who opened their homes to me on numerous occasions.
The next event was 24 Hours Of Great Glen in August. I went there with great confidence, having done a lot of ultra cycling, and was humbled. Only 13 hours into the event I was TOASTED. Mountain biking is a lot different than road cycling, that's for sure! Nevertheless, I REALLY enjoyed that event, despite my lackluster performance. Didn't matter, really. I don't care about results...just finishing the goal events.
September was the Double Iron. Battled some heat and a crappy attitude to finish injury-free, which was the ultimate goal. The perfect primer for the BIG event.
I used the next 2 months to wrap my head around a Quintuple Iron, and make the necessary training adjustments.
Turns out, the mental preparation worked, because it hurt a lot less than I thought it would. There was never any doubt during the 5x that I wouldn't be back for the Deca in 2011.
The amount I learned about training and racing this year is just out of this world, and I cannot wait to apply it to next year, when I will actually try to RACE the events, not simply finish.
I still continue to battle the balance of life. While it would be nice to train full time and not work, that is just not a feasible option. The bills must get paid, and ultra events don't exactly get you rich.
2010 was easily one of the best years of my life.
Following three tough years, I guess it was time for it.
Thank you all so much for your support, and thanks for reading!
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