Monday, March 7, 2011

Clarity Day 2011

I've been blogging a lot less lately.

Maybe it's because I've been in this funk the last month or so.
It always comes this time of year for me. It's the time of year where it feels like winter has run its course, but is still very much here.
The pull of tights-less runs, warm sun, and longer days is very real.
So real, in fact, that waking up to snow falling from the sky and 15 degree nights bring about despair.

The good news is knowing the time change is coming, and that a month from now, warmer temperatures will be a reality.

Winter can be tough on my training regimen, but there is always a day that I can pinpoint every March that my training took a turn for the serious.
It usually is brought about by a workout where I know I've turned a corner on a physical and mental level simultaneously.

That day was yesterday.

Thankfully, because even though in the back of my head I know that day will come, I spend most of every february wondering when. Until that day comes, I am in a complete mental fog.

Soon, the crazy stuff will be the regular, and my mind will be crystal clear.
Training heavily gives me plenty of time to sort out the whats, whys, and hows of my life.
Bring on summer.
